In life, people may not remember what you say; they may not even remember how you said it! However, one thing is for sure: people will remember how you made them feel. In the world of trade show presenters, promotional models, Emcees, and brand ambassadors, personality becomes paramount.
As a trade show model, being attractive is a given. Looks are a small component of what makes the best models successful. The skills that really help convert sales are personality, confidence, public speaking and social aptitude. In a matter of seconds, a great presenter will be able to make a future client feel like an old friend. They can make a sale feel like a reunion party. These people know their craft and their employer’s products like their hometown, while simultaneously exuding an irresistible confidence and interest in potential clients.
What a Promo Agency Looks For
In today’s world, a trade show exhibit relies heavily on the personality of the promotional model or demonstrator to help leave a lasting impression on the audience. Onlookers of the presentation will unequivocally attach their feeling of the presentation to a brand and product. In other words, if someone hires an unfriendly and uncommunicative pretty face to run a booth, they can expect less sales and clients for the duration of the trade show or event. Hire a real star and rest assured: that booth will be getting those numbers.
Trade Show Presenters
Leave a lasting impression. Your business is worth the professionalism. Presenters and models are inherently speaking on the company’s behalf, so this is not an area where anyone wants to cut corners. Emcees, presenters, hosts, crowd-gatherers, and models need to be outgoing, engaging, and impressive. It takes a special kind of person to do this throughout the duration of a show: a presenter must be consistent, enthusiastic, bubbly, and exuberant, while maintaining a certain level of respect and professionalism for the exhibit and the spectators. Remember, models are there to educate, entertain, and put on a show.
Promo Talent: Tradeshow and Event Models
For the discerning business owner, it’s a no-brainer: Preferred Promotional Model & Talent Group hires the best models and presenters in the business. If you think you have what we are always looking for, and possess the personality that people love, contact us today. If you’re going to be showcasing an exhibit in the future, you know who to call.